Class Information

Attendance and Punctuality

It is important that your child has good attendance as the government sets a requirement of 98% attendance throughout the school year. It is also important that your child arrives on time as this minimises disruption to both their learning and to the classroom. Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time at 8.45am. School finishes at 3:30pm. 



Please ensure your child has the correct uniform and that each item is clearly labelled, including their coat. Their school uniform is a reflection on the class, especially when we are out of school or when we have visitors into the classroom.

For P.E we ask that children have a white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms and black pumps/trainers. We have P.E. during the Autumn  term on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning so please ensure that your child arrives at school dressed in their P.E. kit. 


Reading Books
Reading is a vital part of your child's education and reading with your child at home is a lovely way to spend quality time with them. Children can also read with their older siblings. We suggest that children read each night and practice their sounds to support their learning in school. Please encourage them to sound out unfamiliar words and read with fluency and expression. Children who sign up to the reading scheme will have reading books changed weekly. We ask that you please sign and if possible, make a comment in your child’s reading record and return this with the reading book. If the reading record is not signed, we will assume that your child has not read their book at home yet and it will not not be changed that week. Please bring reading books back by Thursday so that they can be changed to take a new book home on Friday.



Your child will be given login information for Oxford Owl where they can read their Read Write Inc books online and answer a quiz about the book. Children will also receive a list of spellings to to take home and learn on Thursdays for a weekly spelling quiz that will be held on the following Thursday morning.


We encourage children to bring in their own labelled water bottles to have in class no juice please.  

Inhalers/Prescribed Medicine

If your child needs an inhaler, could you please send it in with a name label and instructions on when to take it. All parents must sign a medical consent form to authorise any medicines to be administered by staff.

We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Kirby, Miss Vaughan or Miss Jones.

Welcome to Year One! 

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