
Our Curriculum 

At St Marie’s we provide a curriculum through which we live out our Mission ‘The love of Christ, nurture, guide and inspire us’. Our curriculum is designed to enable every child to thrive through holistic provision that tries to find and nurture every child’s talents. 

Our engaging curriculum ensures that children develop a passion for learning and a understanding of our world which enables them to ‘be the best they can be’. This takes place both within and beyond the classroom through well planned and constructed curricular and enrichment experiences that both engage and motivate our children to learn and grow. 

We are committed to providing rich, engaging learning which has the highest aspirations for our children and community, taking place in a safe and stimulating environment that values our children. 

Our curriculum will continue to develop, as research advances and will match our children’s needs as they change also. 

Key Drivers 


Aristotle believed that the human mind was blank at birth and that educating the individual and exposing them to experiences would define the formation of the mind and build a store of knowledge. 

  • We will welcome each child, providing a safe and warm environment that enables them to thrive 
  • We will provide a broad range of rich experiences that enable them to learn deeply and aim high 
  • We will ensure each child, each day, is equipped with the tools to secure deep learning 
  • We will make our children aware that education improves career and life chances understanding the concept of choice 
  • We will give our children experience of life beyond the area they live and the possibilities the world has to offer them 



But Jesus called the children to him and said: ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’  Luke 18:16 

  • We will immerse children in the love of Christ through our words and actions 
  • We will support the growth of each child’s spirit, so that they may grow in full 
  • We will support pupils to develop their relationship with God 


“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes 

  • We will give our children high quality learning that helps them ‘be the best they can be’ 
  • We have the highest expectations of our children and they will develop the highest expectations of themselves 
  • We will show our children the endless potential they have to achieve well 
  • We will work with sporting, business and educational partners to raise standards and aim high 
  • We will teach our children to communicate effectively as global citizens 


Awe and Wonder 


“The first act of awe, when man was struck with the wonder of nature, was the first spiritual experience” – Henryck Skolimowski 

  • We will open the world, in all its beauty, to our pupils 
  • We will enable pupils to recognise the miracle of our world and how they can safeguard it 
  • We will enable children learn to ask big questions, wonder why or how something works and create their own ideas. 
  • We will ensure that children experience ‘magical moment’ that captures their imagination and ignites learning 
  • We will encourage children to embrace the mystery and magic of life as something to cherish and treasure. 

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