Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Rimmer

Welcome to Year 6 

Teacher - Miss Rimmer

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Voce

Teaching Assistant - Mr Jones and Mr Trent

Welcome to the Year 6 class page. Here you can find all of the information you need for this year. Year 6 is a very important year as it is your child's final year in primary school, before they transition to secondary, therefore, please ensure your child is in school and on time every day. If your child is sick, please contact the school office to report them absent.


P.E is on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child wears their full P.E kit on these days. P.E kit consists of: a plain white t-shirt, black or blue shorts and black P.E pumps. 


Children have access to 'Reading Eggs' which they can use to complete reading and comprehension activities. Please encourage your child to read every day. Children can sign up for the home reader scheme and borrow books from our large selection in school, letters have been sent home for this. 

Homework and spellings 

Spellings are sent home every Monday and children will be tested every Friday. Children have access to the class homework menu where they can choose homework tasks to complete. Homework will also be set on SATs companion which will help children to prepare for their upcoming tests. 


Year 6 will take their statutory SATs tests during the following dates:

Date Test
Monday 13th May 2024 Grammar & Punctuation test - 45 minutes
Spelling Test - 20 minutes
Tuesday 14th May 2024 English Reading Test - 60 minutes
Wednesday 15th May 2024 Mathematics Arithmetics (Paper 1) - 30 minutes
Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 2) - 40 minutes
Thursday 16th May 2024 Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 3) - 40 minutes


Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Blog items

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Year 6: Display work items

St Marie's Book Swap, by Mrs Harkin

Fire Champions Y6, by Miss Scott

Year 6: Events items

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