Year 1 2023 - 2024

Miss Kirby

A very warm welcome to the Year 1 class page where you can find out all the information you need to support your child’s learning at home. This is the year that children move from their early learning goals towards accessing the national curriculum and children are expected to make great leaps in their maths, reading, writing and phonics.

Year 1 is also the time that the children are entering ‘big school’ and there is an expectation for them to show positive behaviour at all times.

Year 1 is such an important year for your child and all of the children have made a wonderful start to the term and we are sure this will continue throughout the year. 

The transition into year one has gone smoothly. Children are excited to be in their new class and are eager to learn. We hope you visit this page often to see the progress your children are making and see how much fun they are having. We are looking forward to working with you and your children.

We will be uploading photographs and videos on our school twitter page so please feel free to hit the heart icon  and leave a message.

We welcome you to contact us for any information or to answer any questions you may have that are not addressed in our welcome page.



Year 1: News items

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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Display work items

St Marie's Book Swap, by Mrs Harkin

Year 1: Events items

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